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Artwork Description
Collection Statement
My paintings of manipulated photographs creates an abstract view of the human body generating an interest to explore the narratives that the human anatomy can present.
My work meditates on light and shadow, quality of light that a geometric shape can form, this composes a dance between knowing the painting is 2D but still having that urge to reveal the truth. This leads to studying the objects to discover the flesh.
The different faces of a pyramid enables a range of different skin tone, although there is only one figure repeated throughout each object. This allows many viewers of any shape or color to have a personal relationship to the piece and opens up their own narrative to the work.
Artist Information
Vian Nguyen was born and currently lives in Auburn, Washington with her husband and young son. She graduated from Western Washington University where she attained a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts, with a focus on painting and drawing. She has earned a Masters in Fine Arts and certified in College Teaching of Art, from Maryland Institute College of Arts. As a second generation Asian American, Nguyen has been raised with certain ideas for the ideal body image; skin color, size and gender roles. None of these ideals perfectly fit her, nor should they. Her curiosity about culturally produced ideals raises questions, where she re-examines understandings from childhood through the lens of an adult. This leads to observing an evolutionary change through 3 generations, and exploring how they differ from mother, daughter to son. Nguyen’s work is an addition to telling the American experience,but through the perspective of an Asian American who explores her racial identity in the Western Culture.
Artist Statement
I am interested in the factors in life that contribute to the foundation of our views. The small factors that do not seem impactful in the moment but grow with importance as we continue our journey in life. While taking a deeper dive into my past, I find my views and ideas being challenged by who I am today and the views that my parents had hoped for while raising me in the suburbs. I take a look at the community that I grew up in, I step back with the knowledge that I know now and see where the holes are in the equation for the “American Dream”.. My paintings analyze the structures that influence the development of self within childhood and adulthood. Through the lightheartedness of creating work with common materials and recognizable shapes, from childhood, helps cut the bitterness of seeing ourselves switch roles from the child to the adult to the parent.
Shipping & Returns
Shipping is free on all orders.
Artworks ship within 14 days of purchase or upon conclusion of the show.
You'll receive confirmation of shipping and delivery via email.
You have 14 days to request a return and another 14 days to return the artwork. For more details, please review our full Return Policy.
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