Aaron Brady
Seattle, United States
Artist Statement
I use graphite, ink and paint to explore the depiction of objects in states of change. My subjects are first captured with video, then line and finally transformed with washes into clouds and ghosts: imperfect mutations blurring and morphing. My most recent works aim to reveal our impact on nature and its ability to flourish in our absence.
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A4 Sigel sheets are only compatible with Google Chrome browser.
Usefull Tips For Sigel Sheets
1-Always Use "Landscape" mode Layout in print settings.
2-Use default margins.
1-Always Use "Landscape" mode Layout in print settings.
2-Use default margins.
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Aaron Brady
I use graphite, ink and paint to explore the depiction of objects in states of change. My subjects are first captured with video, then line and finally transformed with washes into clouds and ghosts: imperfect mutations blurring and morphing. My most recent works aim to reveal our impact on nature and its ability to flourish in our absence.
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