Mila Moroko

Mila Moroko

London, United Kingdom

Artist Statement

About me: I am an artist with no formal education. After so many years working in different areas I threw off the confines of the office job and started as a full-time artist.

About my works: My ideal media is oil. I am continuously developing my style and experimenting with brushstrokes and colours focusing on mostly textured compositions of colours and shapes.

With multiple layers of textured colours I want to reflect in my works beauty of nature and catch a balance between realistic and fantasy art.

My works are open and the viewer is involved in the creative process.

My aim: I aim to create paintings gorged with positive energy and transform my profound emotions into something beautiful and inspiring. And I dream that time to time I manage to give people something they didn’t know they are missing.

 All my paintings are ready to hang.

I am always ready to discuss a customer’s request to have my work in different size.

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